Our Proposition
We are dedicated to supporting businesses and universities to provide comprehensive and tailored support for their Black female staff and students.
Business places a critical role in advancing the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion agenda. There are many businesses who have real ambition to make a difference but don't have the mechanisms in place to support their Black female colleagues.
Working in partnership, She Leads for Legacy can support your Black female colleagues by providing tailored workshops on topics such as:
Building your Professional Network
Positioning for career success
Your Executive Presence
Board-level leadership
We see universities as springboards for the leaders of the future. Young Black women attending universities have demonstrated their ambition and capability in securing their places. However, statistics show that there is a notable and significant attainment gap between Black female students and their white counterparts, that Black women are less likely to secure work in the first 6 months after graduation, and that when they do they are often paid less than their white classmates.
Working in partnership with universities, She Leads for Legacy seeks to improve these outcomes, equipping Black female students to position themselves for success in the workplace.